Dying in the community

Planning for a Home Death

There are a number of things that will need to be considered when planning for a home death:
  • The specific needs of the dying person and their family.
  • Management of symptoms and care needs.
  • A way to record evidence of care as it is delivered.
  • Identification of cultural preferences.
  • Identification of advance care plans and or advance care directives.
  • Need for additional supports such as care workers, volunteers or specialist providers.
  • Identification of any equipment required.
  • Provision of contact details of appropriate services that will be needed in the event of change or crisis.
  • Provision of information about signs that death may be occurring.
  • Guidance for what to do following the death.
  • Provision of funeral service contact details.
More information can be found on the CareSearch website - Planning for a Home Death.

Symptom Assessment and Management

Working with the GP

Working with Families

Transferring to Hospital

After Death

Resources for Families and Carers

Page updated 17 April 2018

palliAGED is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.