Case conferences in General Practice

Who in the Practice Could Benefit

Many patients in general practice will be older. Many will have a number of different conditions.
The most important identifier might be a simple question:

‘Would you be surprised if the patient dies within the next six months?.'

If it is likely that this patient could die, a palliative care case conference may be a mechanism for organising care and clarifying whether continuing care at home and a home death is possible.
Other triggers that can prompt thinking about the patient’s changing status could be:
  • The patient is no longer able to attend the practice without significant assistance.
  • There are changes in their pattern of attendance at the practice.
  • There is a sudden decline or deterioration in their health.
  • They have been in hospital.
  • The family has indicated concerns about their health.
  • The older person is actually indicating that they are unwell and don’t want more treatment.

The General Practice Nurse’s Role

The General Practice Nurse as the Care Coordinator

Organising a MBS Case Conference

Specialist Palliative Care

Palliative Care Case Conference Processes

More detailed information on the following aspects of palliative care case conferences is available:

Medical Benefit Scheme and Case Conferences

Helpful Resources

Page updated 17 April 2018

palliAGED is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.