Case Conferences in Residential Aged Care

Palliative Care Case Conference in Residential Aged Care

The Palliative Care Case Conference Management Model for Residential Aged Care is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s health needs.

The model involves a residential aged care manager or coordinator who provides a single point of contact for the older person and/or family members.
This case manager coordinates the health care team and services involved in the care and support of the older person and their family.
Complex care requiring a range of providers can also be supported. In the delivery of a palliative approach, a multidisciplinary team is generally needed to provide holistic care to older people.

How does this palliative care planning approach support older people in residential aged care?

Organising a Residential Aged Care Case Conference

Specialist Palliative Care

Conducting the Palliative Care Case Conference in a Residential Aged Care setting

Medical Benefits Scheme and Case Conferences

Helpful Resources

Page updated 17 April 2017

palliAGED is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.